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Discover Family Fun at Oysterville Sea Farms: The Ultimate Oyster Tour Experience
Discover Family Fun at Oysterville Sea Farms: The Ultimate Oyster Tour Experience
Looking for family fun near Portland? Oysterville Sea Farms offers an exciting oyster tour, blending environmental education with sustainable farming. Perfect for a Portland family outing, enjoy hands-on experiences, fresh oysters, and stunning waterfront views. Learn how oysters support marine ecosystems while savoring the freshest seafood. A great day trip destination for all ages!
For details, tour schedules, and reservations, visit our website or call today!
Rewilding Our Oyster Beds
August of 2023 will mark three and a half years since we bought our first Oyster Farm. What a unique and interesting business it has turned out to be. Three years on we now farm over 300 acres. We believe this amount puts us into the top 20 largest farms, for acreage in the US. We now have a nursery where we raise young oysters from larvae, a retail store and restaurant, a production facility for preparing our oysters for market and lots of boats. The store and restaurant take up a lot of our time, but that’s really only...
How Water Quality Affects Oyster Production
WATER QUALITY Water is the most precious resource on our planet. Without it, nothing survives. The aquaculture and commercial fishing industries in Washington depend on good water quality. Willapa Bay waters support one of the largest per capita boating and sport fishing populations in the world. Individuals and families enjoy collecting shellfish and walking the region's many beautiful beaches. This treasured lifestyle is jeopardized by threats to the quality of Willapa Bay's water. Failing on-site sewage treatment and disposal systems, livestock in or near streams, storm water runoff: erosion from poor land use practices, and improper application of lawn care...
All About Oysters
Crassostrea gigas or Pacific or Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas, Japanese Oyster, or Pacific Oyster was named by a Swedish naturalist, Carl Peter Thunberg in 1795. It originated from Japan, where it has been cultured for hundreds of years. It is now the most widely farmed and commercially important oyster in the world, as it is very easy to grow, environmentally tolerant and is easily spread from one area to another. The most significant introductions were to the Pacific Coast of the United States in the 1920s and to France in 1966. In most places, the Pacific oyster was introduced to...
How to Open Oysters
HOW TO OPEN AN OYSTER Don’t blame the victim. Everything in the Sea wants to eat an oyster. An oyster’s shell is its only protection. They are sharp and dangerous. Wear gloves or protect yourself with a towel. To open an oyster, you need to cut the muscle that holds the two shells together. The Best Way to Open an Oyster Step 1: Positioning the Oyster Place a folded towel on the counter to act as a pillow. Place the oyster cupped side down on the towel with the hinge facing you. Use a folded towel or a glove...